Guided tour : Louis Pasteur, the art of science


A guided tour of the temporary exhibition Louis Pasteur, the art of science to discover not only the scientist’s work, but also lesser-known facets of his career: the attention Louis Pasteur paid to the arts and artists, from his own youthful practice, developing invaluable gifts of observation, to the courses he gave at the École des Beaux-arts in Paris, which made him a pioneer in preventive conservation.


Every Wednesday at 2.30pm

Duration: 1 hour

Price: €4 in addition to admission ticket

Ticket office opens at 2pm

French visit

Information: – 02 31 47 44 44


Visual : Albert Edelfelt, Pasteur dans son laboratoire, 1885, Huile sur toile (réplique), © Institut Pasteur/Musée Pasteur – photo François Gardy